Painters vs. painting contractors

Canyon Painting can renew your home or business in Sedona with expert painting services.Why is it important to understand and distinguish painters from painting contractors? It can greatly improve the quality of the painting of the interior or exterior of your home or business! Canyon Painting, local Sedona painting contractor, discusses the subject of painters vs. painting contractors.

Painters defined

A painter, for our purposes, is a person who can pick up a brush, climb a ladder, and usually makes a living from these activities. The more experienced painter will have better tools of the trade – and possibly a vehicle with a company logo. If working part-time, a painter may be a retired person taking on some extra jobs or a college student working during the summer. This might be exactly what you are looking for. Or does it sound like something you want no part of? If you are after quality, you need to do more research. You need to be able to distinguish a painter from a painting contractor.

Painting contractors defined

Painting contractors are very different from painters, though they usually perform many of the same tasks. A painting contractor is able to remove risks and responsibilities from the client. Carrying both general liability and workers compensation policies is just the start of how a painter and painting contractor differ. A contractor will be able to share a portfolio of their work.

Typical professional painting contractors attributes:

  • A history of proven experience
  • Fully warranted work
  • Quick and complete answers to questions on all procedures
  • The highest quality products for every job

Canyon Painting hopes this discussion of painters vs. painting contractors will help to make your painting experience a great one! Call the experts with any questions about painting the interior or exterior of your home or business in Sedona. Call us today at 928-202-8272.


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