Canyon Painting can give your Sedona home or business a fresh new look with expert interior and exterior painting services.
Are you getting an estimate for an interior or exterior paint job? Canyon Painting, Sedona painting contractor, recommends several questions to ask when getting a painting estimate.
What kind of warranty do you provide?
Whether the job is interior or exterior, always ask about the warranty on the paint. You wouldn’t want to invest in a paint job only to have the color fade or start chipping off in a few years. A good contractor will always provide and fully explain a warranty on the paint. Different qualities of paint will have differing lengths of warranty. And there will be some exceptions, such as paint damage caused by weather conditions. But by all means, make sure there is a warranty so you can rest at ease, knowing you won’t need to pay for additional painting touch-ups until at least the warranty expires.
Does the exterior quote include sanding or power washing?
If you change the exterior color of your home, it will require power washing, or possibly some sanding down of some surfaces prior to painting with the new color. Loose paint chips need to be removed and surfaces need to be smooth. The house needs to be properly prepped before the paint is applied. Make sure you know everything is covered in the quote.
May I see photos of jobs you have done?
An experienced contractor will either carry a portfolio of homes they have painted or be able to direct you to photos on their website. Seeing the quality of their work will help you to have peace of mind.
Canyon Painting offers these helpful suggestions so that you know what you are getting when requesting a painting estimate. Get a quote from the experts! Learn how Canyon Painting can give the interior or exterior of your Sedona home or commercial building a new look. We are committed to quality workmanship, professionalism, and customer satisfaction. Call us at 928-202-8272 to schedule a free estimate.